At 2Paths, we work with our clients to understand their data challenges and design technology solutions to meet their needs.

Read about some of our projects and clients.


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Website and Integrated Data Platform

2Paths worked with CanWaCH to reimagine and build a compelling and responsive bilingual website to reflect both the evolution as well as the rebrand of the organization. The website is an appealing platform which encourages member engagement as it showcases member program data and results. 

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Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Functional Prototype

2Paths worked with World Vision Canada to conduct a discovery phase for a Grant Monitoring and Evaluation functional prototype.


Data Visualization Dashboards

2Paths worked with PEPFAR to build dashboards to help showcase its track record of impressive outcomes and demonstrate it is helping to change the trajectory of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. 


National Evaluation Platform Custom Data Import App

The application developed for the Institute for International Programs - Johns Hopkins University helps address existing challenges with program evaluation of large-scale maternal and child health and nutrition programs in Mali, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.


User Management App

2Paths worked with the International Rescue Committee to develop a custom application to streamline and improve the workflow for user set up and management by IRC country teams. 


Wizard Application Automating Project-level Data Flows

2Paths worked with the International Rescue Committee to build a wizard application that automates the flow of project-level data into an open source health management information system called DHIS 2. 


Scalable mHealth Platform (MoTeCH)

2Paths developed a highly scalable mobile technology platform available to community health organizations serving remote and vulnerable populations of the world who wish to implement a national scale mobile health system. The project was sponsored by the Grameen Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 


International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Standard Consulting and Participation in Technical Advisory Group

2Paths assisted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on a strategic portfolio of grants intended to increase the timeliness and depth of global financial aid reporting. We consulted directly to the Foundation on the technical architecture of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard in its nascent days.


Grant Information Tracker System

2Paths worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to build an internal grant expenditure tracking system. 


Project-Level Aid Database (PLAID/

2Paths designed and built the Project Level Aid Database, a project sponsored by the College of William & Mary and Brigham Young University under a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The resulting application integrated various disparate systems to allow PLAID staff to efficiently enter data on 1.5 million foreign assistance projects resulting in an accurate record and reporting of project-level aid around the globe.


Query Wizard for International Development Statistics

2Paths were contracted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to work with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to deliver an application that provides users with one-button access to rich data about aid-flows between the reporting countries. 


OpenHealth Phase 1 Prototype

2Paths worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop a functional prototype of a health information mapping platform with tools to define, capture and explore health and health-related data. The technical approach, documentation and source code for OpenHealth helped to inform the direction of DHIS 2.